If you mean, what is the French for 'brother' then it's frere (with a grave accent on the first e)
Gerard Way has a brother mickey wayAnswerGerard only has a brother and has no sister. his brothers name is spelled Mikey. with the "c" it looks like mickey mouse. < LolGerard says that everybody in the band is like a brother to him, but only mikey is his actual brother (mikey's full name is Michael James Way)
They're her brothers. Jelani is her older brother and "Makiah" (spelled Micalah) is her younger brother
Actually moron who put Mikey which btw u spelled mickey like mickey mouse any way Gerard is older by 3 yrs so that makes Mikey the younger brother
it was her Friend. She like him. i think they should out.. His name is Willy Monfret. He's French.
Spelled wrong it's speak not sapeak but Harry does
"Yellow" in French is spelled "jaune."
she would like is spelled 'elle aimerait' in French.
It is spelled like this: formes
"I would like" in French is spelled "je voudrais".
you spell dog in french like this: Chein
Just like that. Tube in French is spelled the same as it is in English :)
The word "perch" in French is spelled "perche."
August is spelled 'août' in French.
"Cat" in French is spelled "chat".
Emily is spelled Émilie in French.
orange just like English MG
India in French is spelled "Inde."