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Our sun is a yellow star. All stars with a G class rating are yellow stars.

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Q: What is an example of a yellow star?
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What is an example of an yellow star?

Our sun is a yellow star. All stars with a G class rating are yellow stars.

What are the 3 example of a yellow star?

kinds of yellow stars

What medium -sized yellow star is found in your solar system?

The medium-sized yellow star in our solar system is the Sun. It is classified as a G-type main-sequence star, which means it falls into the category of yellow stars.

Name at least one yellow star other than the sun?

One example of a yellow star, or a G-type star, is Tau Ceti. Other examples include Alpha Centauri A and 51 Pegasi.

What moshling do you get with Yellow Star Blossom Yellow Magic Bean and Star Blossom?

Currently there is no Moshling that can be caught with a Yellow Star Blossom, a Yellow Magic Bean, and a Star Blossom. You can catch Fumble using the Yellow Star Blossom and the Yellow Magic Beans, but you need to add Yellow Love Berries. 053 Fumble the Acrobatic Sea Star [Fishie] any Star Blossom, Yellow Magic Beans, Yellow Love Berries

Is a yellow star the most hottest star in space?

A yellow star is a "medium" temperature star - a blue star is the hottest.

How does a blue star become a yellow star?

It can't. A blue star is a high-mass star. A yellow star has a medium mass.

What is the book yellow star about?

I have never read it, but i think it is about a yellow star.

Which is earths sun a yellow star or a red giant?

A yellow star. The Sun is definitely not a red giant; if it were to swell to the size of a red giant (like Antares, for example), our Earth would end up inside the Sun.

Is an orange star hotter then a yellow star?

The temperature of a yellow star's photo sphere is hotter than that of and orange star. However the total energy output of an orange star may be greater than that of a yellow star.

What are the answer for the yellow star quiz on superclubs?

the answers for the yellow star quiz in superclubplus

When was Yellow Star - novel - created?

Yellow Star - novel - was created in 2006.