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Its the link to the music file you wish to use.

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Q: What is a music URL?
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Related questions

How do you get music URL?

You right click the music file and you clikc proporties and then u should see it;s URL. and copy it and then paste it at your disired location .

Where do you get URL music?

Youtube or upload the music file to your own webspace ( etc.)


That is a channel url for a teenage music artist on YouTube

How do you put music on friendster using a song URL?

Just find a song you like get the URL and past in "Media section"

How do you put music on Blogger using a song URL?

Login to bloggerClick on edit profileScroll down till you find "Audio clip URL"Insert the URL and click save

How can I download Shakira's music video clip to my computer?

you need to go to youtube and copy the URL and search in Google youtube convreter paste the URL in to the box that says URL

What is Miranda Cosgrove official MySpace page and Her music page url?

Miranda Cosgrove Onley Has Two Real Myspace Wish Is Her Music Page And Her Official Myspace Page For Fands Here Are Her two Url: Her Music Page Url Is......> And Her Official Myspace Page Is.......> And Thows Are Her Onley Two Real Myspaces!

How do you view hidden URL music and find the URL of an internet radio station to use on second life?

A person will only be able to view hidden URl music in Second Life if they are the owner of the parcel. A person can find a radio station to use by clicking the play button at the bottom of the viewer.

How do you add music to your meez profile?

first go to youtube type in the music you want then once you get the music u want get the URL and and copy then paste it in your media box

What website can you get music from that has no music?

you can't... unless they have a URL link or a music programmer.. which you said one of the sites do not have a music programmer. the only other thing you could do is hack the site, but its really not worth it.

Can you copy just music from music videos?

Yes you can, if you want to download from youtube with music only in mp3 format, just got to a site called tunenabber and paste the URL of the music video.

How do you upload music in imvu?

as in into your profile?if it's that then use like music site. you could copy URL from youtube but not the top URL it's like long URL. you could use my playlist, or imeen or those music site as long as you copy the URL and post it somewhere on your profile. go to my page and look at mine my user name is leonie61. if you have any more question then ask other wise good luckwell this is cool I got a IMVU credits code and I can't believe it actually worked! Click on