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When I was growing up, the name Zildjian (Avedis Zildjian Co.) was synonymous with good cymbals. This was so for Orchestral, jazz and rock use. The drummers who couldn't afford to outfit themselves with all-Zildjian cymbals would supplement with Paiste cymbals, which were considered inferior, but at least affordable. There is an immense list of cymbal makers, though, some of whom make cymbals in varieties that range from fingercymbals (good for belly dancing and renaissance consort music) to humongous gongs (think RKO Pictures, if you're old enough!)

Putting "cymbal" into will get a nice long list!

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A homophone for cymbal is symbol.

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That symbol on the bottom of the cymbal indicates the manufacturer.

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Cymbal is a word and it also sounds and slepps like the word symbol.Symbol is a object representing somthing.(for example !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ) _ =are all symbols.)

How do you use a sentence with cymbal?

I'm going to need another cymbal.

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