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A call sign is a combination of letters and numbers used to identify a television or radio station, or a combination of characters or words which identifies a communication facility within the military, in order to establish and maintain communications.

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Q: What is a call sign?
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What was Troutmans call sign in Rambo?

coven leader was his call sign.

What is the name given to the initials that identify a radio station?

Call sign or identifier.

Who is responsible for the neighborhood sign upkeep?

Try asking the property owner where the sign is installed or call your town offices.Try asking the property owner where the sign is installed or call your town offices.Try asking the property owner where the sign is installed or call your town offices.Try asking the property owner where the sign is installed or call your town offices.

What is the call sign for easy jet?

The call sign for easyjet is "easy", e.g "easy7045". On our flight plans it is written as "EZY"

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What do you call a person who do the sign language?

A person who does sign language is called a "sign language interpreter" or a "signer."

How do we make a pie sign?

u throw a pie at the sign and call it good

What call sign can you call your very cute girlfriend?

You can call her 'Cutie' or 'cutie pie' or 'sugar'

Where can one find a call sign?

When an individual passes the initial licensing test, a call sign is issued by the licensing authority, such as the FCC. When a US amateur advances to the General class, he may select to change his call sign by obtaining a variety of combination.

What do you call a sign raising or lowering a musical tone?

That's called an accidental sign.

Which airport has the call sign KUL?

The Kuala Lumpur International Airport has the call sign of KUL. The Kuala Lumpur International Airport is located in Malaysia.

What does kmg365 mean on the show emergency?

It is the call sign for the station. All radio stations are assigned a call sign by the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC.