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An Authors Note Is The Comments Given By The Author Of A Book About The Book. The Authors Note Is Usally Found At The Very Beggining Of The Book Or The Very End.

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Q: What is a authors note?
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How many chapters in Island of Blue Dolphins?

In my copy there are 29 chapters and 174 pages not counting Authors Note, counting Authors Note 177 pages.

How many pages does the island of the blue dolphin have?

About 200 including authors note

How do you send a note to an author?

Generally an authors address is kept private. The easiest way it to write to the publisher.

Authors name of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?

J.K.Rowling. (Note: Where have you been in the past ten years?)

What book does this belong to 'authors note- not to spoil the ending for you but everything is going to be okay'?

The book that this quote belongs to is "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green. It is found in the author's note at the beginning of the book.

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The book is usually called Sent and it has 308 pages not including the author's note but including the authors note it would be 313 pages.

How should the APA format title page be structured for a document with multiple authors?

The APA format title page for a document with multiple authors should include the title of the paper, the names of all authors, their institutional affiliations, and the author note. The title should be centered, the author names should be listed in order of contribution, and the author note should provide information about each author's affiliation and any acknowledgments.

Who are the authors of spark note?

SparkNotes was developed by Harvard University students Max Krohn, Eli Bolotin, Cris Coyne and Sam Yagan in 1999.

Is the book across five Aprils real?

no, but as Irene hunt says in her authors note of the book it was her grandfathers story with many unanswered questions. so she had to fill in the blanks. ;)

How many chapters is The Confession by John Grisham?

about 42 excluding the epilogue. also there are three different parts and an authors note.

What is the collective noun for authors?

There is no standard collective noun for the noun authors, in which case a noun that suits the situation can be used, for example, a symposium of authors, a staff of authors, a mob of authors.

Who are some of the most famous authors in the world?

Authors Become Famous Due to Their Volume of Work, Popularity of the Work, or the Value of Their Work. William Shakespeare Has to Be the Most Famous, as We Are Still Talking About His Work. J.K Rowling Is Another Writer of Note, Due to Sheer Popularity of the Harry Potter Series.