The Kotz cajon is a cajon (wooden box that serves as a drum) made by Kotzen
They are said to be of excellent quality.
A cajon is, in reality, a box (hence the Spanish to English translation, cajon=box). The cajon percussion instrument is designed to be sat on, therefore I wouldn't worry about being too heavy for the instrument. It can hold any-weight person. I wouldn't drive a car over it or anything, however ;D
Taylor operates factories in El Cajon, California, and Tecate, Mexico. You can take a free guided tour of the El Cajon facility every weekday starting at 1 pm.
it originaly came from Peru. look it up in Wikipedia and it does say
its the bass drum u know u coulda just looked it up
Tadeusz Kotz died in 2008.
Samuel Kotz was born in 1930.
Samuel Kotz died in 2010.
John Kotz was born in 1919.
Raegan Kotz is 5' 5".
Tadeusz Kotz was born in 1913.
Richard Kotz was born on 1886-09-12.
Richard Kotz died on 1960-06-08.
Francis Kotz Farm was created in 1860.
Raegan Kotz was born in 1981, in Illinois, USA.
You mean Cajun? Cajon is a drum.
How did cajon. Pass get its name