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It is an electronic keyboard that has not fully weighted keys like a real piano, but has a softer keys. Keys are gradually gets softer touch going trough left to right. İe some harder touch at the left, gets lighter touch at the right.. Like an acoustic piano.. bass keys are harder.. treble keys are softer...

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Piano is a musical term meaning to play?

Yes, "piano" is a musical term that instructs the performer to play softly. It is derived from the Italian word "pianoforte," which means "soft-loud." The piano is a versatile keyboard instrument capable of producing a wide range of dynamics, from very soft (piano) to very loud (forte), depending on the musician's touch and the force applied to the keys.

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"Piano in music means "soft." The instrument now known as piano was originally called "pianoforte" "soft loud" indicating its range. Pianissimo is softer than piano: very soft.

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Piano is Italian for soft/quite which means too play the piano softly, then there mezzo piano, medium soft, and pianoisimo, very very soft. There of lots of other Italian terms used in music.

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What is piano music?

Piano music is music played from the piano, there is soft and loud music

What is the Italian word for soft?

piano is the Italian word for soft =)

Which language does piano come from?

The word "piano" comes from the Italian word "pianoforte," which means "soft-loud" in English. The piano was named this way to describe its ability to produce both soft and loud sounds depending on how the keys are played.

What does the word piano really mean?

Piano is Italian for soft/softly.

What is the musical word for soft?

The musical term for soft is piano. This means soft in Italian.