Of course every body likes Selena Gomez
Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez are not BFF's like Miley and Mandy are but they do not hate each other. You could call them acquaintances or just friends.
Selena Gomez, is this really a tough question for you people?
justin beibers girlfriend is selena gomez.JUSTIN BEIBER CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT really selena gomez wow how lame.but his girlfriend is selena gomez anyways.
you say I <3 (heart) Selena Gomez.
Of course every body likes Selena Gomez
no he don't really know her
No, not really.
Selena Gomez likes guys who are really fun to be around, likes family, and have good morals.
i know who the real Selena Gomez is and her facebook is Selena-maire k Gomez add her cuz she is the only Selena Gomez and i mean the really really Selena Gomez!don't wiat
no but if you go on Selena Gomez and the scene in a different language it sounds like Russian language but no she isn't but she really is pretty
Yes! You should really like Selena Gomez. I am crazy for her! But then you don't have to,just saying.
Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez are not BFF's like Miley and Mandy are but they do not hate each other. You could call them acquaintances or just friends.
que le gusta Selena Gomez or te gusta Selena Gomez both ways are the same way to say do you like Selena Gomez
They were never dating, they are really good friends and Selena Gomez claims that Justin Bieber is like a little brother to her
no....cat in victorious is Ariana Grande ....not selena gomez