the g above the high C. it's pretty much the G in the 6th octave, being the central C, the C in the 4th octave
In the treble C position: right hand only: C F G# G F HIGH C A# G F G# G E G C C F G# G F HIGH C HIGH E# D C That's all I know, for now. You can toy around with it and play it by ear.
obviously its a piano sonata. the only instrument is the piano
A flat
a piano always starts on c
G, f#, d#, a, g#, e, g#, c.
there aren't any piano notes to it because its NOT played on the piano or a musical instrument that can be interrupted into piano notes
In the treble C position: right hand only: C F G# G F HIGH C A# G F G# G E G C C F G# G F HIGH C HIGH E# D C That's all I know, for now. You can toy around with it and play it by ear.
The the notes of the UK national anthem on the piano are G G A F# G A B B C B A G A G F# .
To play G on the piano, locate the black key to the right of the white key G. Press down on the black key to produce the sound of G.
London bridge on piano G,A,G,F,E,F,G D,E,F,E,F,G G,A,G,F,E,F,G D,F,E,C enjoy!!
Keys on a piano and notes on a staff are named by the alphabet A through G, and then starting over at A. Keys on the piano are black and white with the black keys organized in groups of two and three. The G note on a piano can be found by locating any group of three black keys. The G note is a white key found between the left two black keys of that group of three. There are 7 G notes on a standard 88 note piano.
obviously its a piano sonata. the only instrument is the piano
A flat
a piano always starts on c
G, f#, d#, a, g#, e, g#, c.