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the g above the high C. it's pretty much the G in the 6th octave, being the central C, the C in the 4th octave

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Q: What is High G on the piano?
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In the treble C position: right hand only: C F G# G F HIGH C A# G F G# G E G C C F G# G F HIGH C HIGH E# D C That's all I know, for now. You can toy around with it and play it by ear.

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The the notes of the UK national anthem on the piano are G G A F# G A B B C B A G A G F# .

How do you play G on the piano?

To play G on the piano, locate the black key to the right of the white key G. Press down on the black key to produce the sound of G.

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London bridge on piano G,A,G,F,E,F,G D,E,F,E,F,G G,A,G,F,E,F,G D,F,E,C enjoy!!

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What is G- on piano?

Keys on a piano and notes on a staff are named by the alphabet A through G, and then starting over at A. Keys on the piano are black and white with the black keys organized in groups of two and three. The G note on a piano can be found by locating any group of three black keys. The G note is a white key found between the left two black keys of that group of three. There are 7 G notes on a standard 88 note piano.

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obviously its a piano sonata. the only instrument is the piano

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A flat

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a piano always starts on c

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G, f#, d#, a, g#, e, g#, c.