Ed Westwick
"Gossip Girl"
Silvercup Studios
42-22 22nd Street
Long Island City, NY 11101
Ed Westwick
Emptage Hallett
14 Rathbone Place
London W1T 1HT
UK These addresses were found at www.fanmail.biz
Due to filming Gossip Girl, he lives at 'The Tate' apartments in New York City. Chace Crawford shared an apartment there with him. But moved out, to a place of his own.
Not that I know of and trust me i am the biggest ed sheeran fan ever!!
Ebony Paige Stamp i can tell of facebook
Ebony Paige Stamp
His official website is edsheeran.com It is an awesome site. It has merchandise, all of his music videos, what ed is up to, everything he posts on twitter and more! If you are an Ed Sheeran fan (like me) I would definitely check it out!
You can Tweet her @ArianaGrande and you can send her fan mail at her fan mail address.Ariana Grande265 S. Federal HwySuite 331Deerfield Beach, FL 33441USAgo visit herI got in contact, I sent her an letter! Its kinda Obvious, but she does answer back, and gives autographs! :D
Ed Westwick does not have a public fan email address at this time. However, you can send him fan mail at his official fan mail address. Fan mail address: Ed Westwick Affirmative Entertainment 425 N Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 USA
Melissa Wright
Ed Westwick is an actor who was born on June 27, 1987. Ed's e-mail is not available to members of the public however, his fan mail address is Emptage Hallett, 14 Rathbone Place, London W1T 1HT, UK.
Ed Westwick's parents are Carole and Peter Westwick from England. His mum Carole is an educational psychologist, and his dad Peter is an university lecturer.
ed westwicks is not in twilight or any of the twilight series he is most know for his devious role as chuck bass in gossip girl
There is no known fan email address for Ed Sheeran at this time, and WikiAnswers does not provide private information.
Ed Speleers Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford house 76 Oxford street London W1D 1BS UK Ed Speleers William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 9601 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5213 USA
Denzel Washington is an amazing actor who received tons of fan mail. He has a designated Fan Mail address at; Denzel Washington c/o Rogers & Cowan. 8687 Melrose ave. 7th floor Los Angeles, CA.
You send it to the CBBC studios but to their mail box. Their address is, CBBC Development BBC Television London W12 7RJ or CBBC PO Box 9989 London W12 6PA
Not that I know of and trust me i am the biggest ed sheeran fan ever!!