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Music in B major transposed down a major third will be in the key of G major.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Transposed down a minor third, B flat major becomes G major.

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12y ago

put two line thingies and the sharps/flats/watever

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C sharp major

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11y ago

Raise every note by one whole-step.

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Eb Major

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Q: What is A flat major transposed up an augmented third?
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What is B flat major transposed up a minor third?

Transposed up a minor third, B flat major becomes D flat major.

What note is an augmented third up from A flat?

A major 3rd would be C, so an augmented 3rd would be C sharp.

What is B flat major transposed down a major 2nd?

Ab major

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What is an augmented third?

An augmented third is an interval of five semitones, spanning three note names. An example of an augmented third is C to E sharp, or C flat to E.

What is E flat major transposed up a major 2nd?

C major

What will the key signature of b flat become when transposed up a major 2nd?

D major

Are there any Christmas songs in A-flat major?

Christmas carols can generally be transposed into any key.

How much higher is a song if it is in G Major as opposed to B flat?

The interval between B-flat and G is equal to a major 6th. Thus, if a song has been transposed from B-flat major to G major, it will be a major 6th higher.

What is the chord when it's e flat major but it has a b natural?

E flat augmented raises the Bb to B natural.

What interval is b to e sharp?

E flat consists of 3 flats, B flat, E flat and A flat. E flat to B flat would be a perfect 5th interval as B flat is in E flat major, but because your question was E flat to B, B is a semitone up from B flat, this would mean the interval becomes a semitone larger, and a semitone larger from a perfect interval is augmented. Therefore, the answer to your question is an augmented 5th. Hope this helps :)

What is A flat transposed down a major 2nd?

E A major second is equivalent to a whole note, or two semitones, and two semitones down from G-flat (which is enharmonically equivalent to F-sharp) is E, although it might be written as F-flat depending on the key signature. F-flat, E to G-flat would be a diminished 3rd, not a major second..