

Best Answer You Could Also Attempt To Write The Band Via Columbia Records. Failing That, Type AC/DC Fan Mail Address Into Your Google Toolbar. You Will Be Directed To Click On A Web Page That Should Give You An Address To AC/DC'S Australian Record Label, Albert's, Which Will Direct All Fan Letters To The Band.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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Q: What is ACDCs address?
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You can ask for someone's address by saying "May I have your address, please?" or "Can you provide me with your address?"

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What's your address? politely: Can I have your address? or Can you give me your address?

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email address is individual person address but web address is public address. email address is different for every one in the world but web address is same for every one in the world.

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