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she said that her sister Madison De La Garza brough her an iPhone 4G from her own money, for Demi's birthday.

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Q: What iPhone does Demi Lovato have?
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Related questions

Which mobile does Demi Lovato have?

Demi lovato has a blackberry & an apple iPhone. She uses the blackberry for her business work and her iPhone for personal use.

Is Demi Lovato's cellphone an iPhone?

demi first had a blackberry curve and now she has an iphone, but i dont know if it is black or white

Does Demi Lovato has a white or black iPhone 4?


Does Demi Lovato have an IPhone?

Yes, in a picture with Selena she is holding it up.

What kind of a cell phone does Demi Lovato have?

Demi Lovato has the Blackberry Bold If you have noticed lately, Demi always seems to update her Twitter via Twitter for iPhone quite a bit, which means she probably upgraded from the Blackberry Bold to the iPhone 4G. Also, as AT&T is the only company to have the iPhone, she probably as AT&T.

Where does Demi Lovato get her cell phones?

She has an iphone 4 she received from her sister and i think she's on AT&T.

What kind of cell does demi lavota have?

iphone you can c on her twitter it says sent via iphone also it's spelled lovato

What is Demi Lovato's favorite name?

Its Demi Lovato

Camila cabello or demi lovato?

Demi lovato

Who sings skyscraper?

Demi Lovato

Who is Diana Lovato?

Diana Lovato is Demi Lovato's mother. Look Demi Lovato up if you don't know who Demi Lovato is. p.s- she was a dallas cowboy chearleader

Who is prettier Demi Lovato or kristin cavallari?

Demi Lovato