You get a swell, and it is a pain. Then your mommy and daddy get mad at your brother. And he never does it again.
If you know that if they were gone forever no way to ever see them again and you'd miss them beyond belief if they were'nt there. You know you love them. Think of what it be like without them. Not all the bad times but the good ones....almost everyone loves there siblings even if its hidden.
Well if this ever happens it can be hard. But your young its not like your getting married to them! If your in the need of being seriouse make a list of things they have more incomman with you, the one that ahs more you'll like. Hope it works!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I don't clean my flute, tarnish gets on the joints from moisture and it's really hard to get off. If you don't clean it for months it becomes no longer shiny and looks matted rather then finished.
Really hard
No, it's really fun, you should try it.
if the dog bites hard u can bleed or if its soft nothing happens
I would press charges. That is abuse.
he is having a hard time hiding who he really is!
You pinch the skin really hard so the venom doesn't get in
They get really hard? Isn't it obvious?
If he bites hard he is saying NO! If he nips playfully he is saying PET ME! :)
Very hard, people have died from the bites.
its really hard, and i still cant complete it
well, they get really hard (when you freeze it) then when it thaws, they get really mushy and gross
Yes and it happens all the time. That is why it is very hard to get well bred guppies nowadays.
it bites. very hard.
You go to jail. Is it really that hard to figure out?