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You have to resolve the ticket in Virginia and then VA will report it to SC and it will be treated as if you received it in SC.

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Q: What happens if you live in sc and get a ticket in Virginia?
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If you got a ticket for speeding 96mph in a 70mph in Georgia but live in sc while driving a friends car what happens and what should you do?

the ticket has and address on it and you should send you payment in the mail to that address or if there's a telephone number, you can pay with a credit card over the phone alot of times, you should also tell you friend about the ticket. if you don't pay it, a warrent could be release for your arrest for out standing and unpaid tickets.

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A one way refundable fare costs $32.50 for a single ticket on Greyhound Bus from Columbia SC to Beaufort SC.

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You have 15 days from the date of the ticket to have it delivered to the court house....

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The price of an airline ticket from Columbia, SC to Myrtle Beach, SC will fluctuate based on many factors. Some of these factors include the time of year you are traveling, the day of the week, and which airline you prefer to use. There are several online sites that allow you to compare rates and get the best deal on airline tickets.

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Its 50 dollars. I just took one from florence to greenville last week,

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Why does late registration ticket cost so much in SC?

Because SC is no different than any other state in that it is an additional fee which is set by the agency or the legislature