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Q: What government agency thst regulated radio transmission is?
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Why are television and radio regulated by the federal government?


Which of these media platforms are NOT regulated by the federal government?

the internet and satellite radio

What agency can grant new licenses for television and radio stations?

The US government licensing agency is the Federal Comunications Commission (FCC).

Who controls the TV and radio?

Within the United States, television and radio stations are owned by either public or privately owned corporations or units. They are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission. Some countries only have government owned radio and television.

When communicating ICS requires that responders DO NOT use?

agency or radio codes

How government use ham radio?

The government may utilize ham radio (technically defined as "Amateur Radio") during times of disaster, natural or man-made, to provide inter-agency emergency communications. Amateur Radio operators by law are not allowed to accept payment for their services, and as such, they are not government employees. There are several volunteer organizations that various government agencies may enlist to provide emergency communications, such as ARES, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service. For more information on how Ham Radio can help during disasters, visit

Why is the CRTC important?

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is a public organization in Canada with mandate as a regulatory agency for broadcasting and telecommunications from Wiki. For example wholesale prices by bell to an ISP such as IVC Telecom have to be approved and regulated by the CRTC.

How can you hear radio transmission in hilly areas?

radio transmission can be heard in hilly areas because of diffraction

How strictly does the US government monitor the radio?

Radio (as well as television, cable, wire and satellite) in the US is regulated and monitored by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Radio and television are strictly monitored for obscenity, indecency and profanity, particularly between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when children are expected to be awake.

What country controls the television and radio station?

Virtually every developed country has a government agency that controls radio and TV ... not necessarily their programming content, although that's certainly not unheard of, but their licensing, frequency allocation, and permission to transmit.

Who is the agency of record for Wells Fargo radio buys?


What is the of the government agency that polices public airwaves?

In the US it is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). In Canada, it is the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. In England, it is OfCom (Office of Communications).