Musicians read what is called sheet music in order to play music. which is notes you play on the instuments
tony you are my angel
Guitar solos are not generally read from sheets, rather they are improvised on the spot through the musician's musical talent. As such, sheet music for this is unavailable.
5% can read music.
They read notes
Musicians read what is called sheet music in order to play music. which is notes you play on the instuments
you need to able to read music and to play whatever instrument you're playing - well.
tony you are my angel
Of course. She must be able to read, first of all, and takes education. Knowing the number system is required, again from education. A good background in mathmatics is excellent, as there is a strong relationship between music and math. Finally, the musician needs education in music . . . this might be trial and error, classroom, listening to others play, learning to read music . . .
I imagine so, he has been a very successful musician for a long time. He has written some incredible songs with U2.
Guitar solos are not generally read from sheets, rather they are improvised on the spot through the musician's musical talent. As such, sheet music for this is unavailable.
Music existed before written history and as such, no records of who the first musician might have been are available. He or she was probably dead long before people were able to speak coherently, much less read and write.
This question is either not complete or very ignorantly based. There is no such thing as violin lyrics, but instead there is music for the violin. There are notes which are read by the musician.
Jesse Maynor did it, i can read his mind, a young man in Virginia. i see him in my dreams. he will be famous. he will be powerful. music is his life i can see it
Read a book.Watch tv. Create a tumblr account. Listen to music. Go for a walk. Work out.
The musician P.Diddy's biography can be read on Wikipedia including details of his career and personal life. It can also be read on sites such as Biography and 8notes.
The answer to this question has to be "the same way you read any music." If you know how to read music, you can read sheet music. If you don't, you are going to need some training or study. Learning to read music is like learning to read a language.