It is a very popular form of music on the Caribbean coast of Latin America meaning "born in the valley."
Panama's traditional music is cumbia-based and is called musica tipica or pindin. Tipico is the traditional style of dance. Panama is also known as la cuna del regueton (the cradle of reggaeton). This is due to the influence of artists such as el General, Nando Boom, Aldo Ranks and many others. Vallenato, Salsa, Merengue and Pop are also popular musical styles in Panama.
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It does not mean anything.
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The term vallenato is a Colombian term that is used to describe a popular Colombian form of folk music. The meaning of the the word vallenato translates to born in the valley.
Carlos Huertas - vallenato composer - died in 1999.
Carlos Huertas - vallenato composer - was born in 1934.
Vallenato and cumbia are both genres of Colombian music. Vallenato is strictly Colombian while cumbia is Latin American.
Canta Los Clasicos Del Vallenato was created on 2002-04-16.
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Music is abundant in Colombia. They listen to cumbia, vallenato, and porro among other genres of music. Shakira is a famous celebrity that came from Colombia.
Binomio de Oro is a Spanish language music group in the Vallenato genre. They are from Columbia and gained mainstream popularity in Venezuela and Mexico.
Shakira is from Barranquilla, Colombia Juan Pablo Montoya, Formula 1 driver Fernando Botero, first non-French sculptor to exhibit his artwork at the Champs Elysees Carlos Valderrama, soccer player (extraordinaire) Faustino Asprilla, soccer player los Embajadores Vallenatos, musical group Diomedes Diaz, musician (Vallenato) Carlos Vives, musician (Vallenato) Juanes Fanny lu juan baldez
Rafael Orozco Maestre was from Becerril, Cesar Columbia. He was a singer of vallenato music that was very popular in Columbia, Mexico, and Venezuela. He was assassinated on his daughters 15th birthday in front of his home.
Nelson Velasquez performs Vallenato music from his native Columbia. Its mainly accompanied by the accordion and a small drum to keep rhythm. He has been performing since 1995.