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it looks grey thats about it really! it looks grey thats about it really!

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Q: What does the inside of a African Congo grey mouth look like?
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When was The Grey Album created?

The Grey Album was created in 2004-02.

Who is macy gray?

Macy Grey Is A Singer My Dog Is Named Ater Macy Grey

When was The Aerosol Grey Machine created?

The Aerosol Grey Machine was created in 1969-09.

When was Grey Skies to Blue created?

Grey Skies to Blue was created on 2004-04-06.

Is there a band named gray?

I cannot find a Band named 'Grey' but the following musicians all have the name Gray or Grey :-Macy Gray ............. R+BWardell Gray......... JazzTamyra Gray.......... R+BJerry Gray ............. ClassicalGlen Gray ............. JazzDobie Gray ........... R+BAl Grey ................. JazzSkylar Grey .......... Rock

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African grey congo parrots?

I own one actually. The difference between Congo’s and Timneh’s are that Congo’s have a red tail and are slightly bigger. I own a Congo.

What is better a Congo African or timneh African grey parrot?

We have a Congo And I say they are better just my opinion for one they are bigger two they have a few year longer life span

What can you do if a baby Congo African grey baby that was born on May 18 2013 has a hurt bottom?

You can take a baby Congo African grey baby bird that was born on May 18, 2013 to the vet if he or she has a hurt bottom. This can indicate an issue with nutrition or even worms.

Are African grey Congo are good talkers?

African greys are very good talkers. Their like tape recorders though so be careful what you constantly say around them they pick it up like little kids do.

What smarter than a talking parrot?

The smartest parrots are the Grey Jaco, but they are very difficult to keep as pets, they are more sensitive to changes than other kind of parrots, they need much care and attention.

Are there any grey African parrots in New Zealand?

IN THE WILD.......i am not 100% sure of the Congo African greys, but the timneh African greys are not. timnehs are only found in four countries in Africa (the only one i recall is sierre Leone). the congos i know are in Africa and south America, i am unsure of anywhere else.

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How can you tell when your africn grey is sick?

how can you tell when your african grey is sick

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Do African grey eat meat?

yes they can eat chips my African grey loves them he is always next to my plate and taking my chips.

What is the difference between African grey parrots males and females?

Simple, female African Grey lays egg, male don't.