In music notation, f is an abbreviation for forte which is a dynamic term meaning loud or strong. This denotes that the section of the music should be played loudly. Here is a list of some dynamic levels from quietest to loudest.
pp (very quiet), p (quiet), mp (medium quiet), mf (medium loud), f (loud), ff (very loud)
I'm guessing you're talking about the forte marking. It means you should play the music loudly. F in all music, not just drum music is a forte marking. Here's a list of dynamic markings.
pp : pianissimo - play really softly
p : piano - play softly
mp : mezzo-piano - play moderatly soft
mf : mezzo-forte - play moderately loud
f : forte - play loud
ff : fortissimo - play really loud!
They indicate dynamic changes. P = Piano (soft) F = Forte (strong)
If you want to get a bit farther into it, other dynamic notations include :
mp = mezzo-piano (moderately soft)
mf = mezzo-forte (moderately strong)
pp = pianissimo (very soft)
ff = fortissimo (very strong)
So, in short, they just tell you how quietly or how loudly you should play.
It's a direction to the artist: "pianissimo," meaning "softly."Another answer:It does mean "softly," but a single p is "piano." "Pianissimo" is pp, meaning "very softly."
There is no note 'p' on the recorder, or on any musical instrument.
nose flute =p
Prince & the Revolution
David P. Sartor
p stands for piano in musical notation. It is a dynamic marking which indicates the piece or section should be played soft.
The sign for soft is P. Very soft is PP.
History and Physical
It's a direction to the artist: "pianissimo," meaning "softly."Another answer:It does mean "softly," but a single p is "piano." "Pianissimo" is pp, meaning "very softly."
It means "Società per azioni"
P with a line over it means after in medical terms."post"
H is the abbreviation on the table of elements. The 'chemical symbol' for hydrogen is H.
The abbreviation for primary waves is P-waves.
should bt H&P for history and physical
It depends in what the circumstances the abbreviation is used? One example: PA could mean Personal Assistant. There is also Public Announcement!