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The meaning of the noun form of "spaces" is a continuous expanse or area that is unoccupied, available, or free. The meaning of the verb form of "spaces" is the action of positioning multiple items at a distance from the others.

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it means there's a pause

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Q: What does spaces mean in music?
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What does barline mean in music?

They are used to seperate the divisions of time. The spaces in between the barlines are measures.

How do you mix music with lyrics?

The words are run in the spaces between the music.

What is a staff in music?

A staff in music is a set of horizontal lines and spaces. There is 5 lines and 4 spaces. Each represent a different pitch.

What does sps mean in crocheting?

Probably "spaces". As in skip spaces.

What has 5 lines and 4 spaces in the music industry?

Staff notation (sheet music)

A series of five lines and four spaces where the notes are placed?

The answer to this riddle is "sheet music" or any other term for musical notation. The five lines and four spaces represent the lines and spaces on a staff. The notes are notes of music.

Is the system of parallel lines and spaces used to write music called notation?

A staff or a stave is the system of parallel lines and spaces used to write music notation.

The lines and spaces music is written on?

Music is composed of sound or sounds that create rhythms in time.

What is a musical staff?

A staff in music is a set of horizontal lines and spaces. There is 5 lines and 4 spaces. Each represent a different pitch.

In music what does face stand for?

In music, "FACE" is an acronym for the names of the notes in the spaces on the staff in treble clef. A staff has five lines, and those form 4 spaces in between. From bottom to top the notes are F, A, C, E.

What are the two spaces on the character selection screen in smesh bros melee?

it depends on what you mean by the two spaces, if you mean you have two question marks than it could be a number of characters, if you mean the spaces with nothing in them then its just a spacing thing, nothing goes there

What i mean is if i put two or more spaces continuously the output will come wrong in words count but spaces count is correct how can i achieve correct output?

Spaces are not words. Nor do you type spaces into words. Spaces separate words.