It's a direction to the artist: "pianissimo," meaning "softly."
The P-35B
The symbol for piano is music is a bold italics p which looks very similar to this: p
You Are The Music In Me :P
A slanted Hash.. Dont have a hash on my keyboard so can't show you :p
sometimes ;p
p stands for piano in musical notation. It is a dynamic marking which indicates the piece or section should be played soft.
Piece by Piece- Katie Melua Patience- Take That Play My Music- Jonas Brothers
Of course, just try to think p a tune and if it sounds nice, even jus to you, you have succesfully written a piece of music.
88 Keys on a piano keyboard.
:) or :D or :p or :P
colon plus capital P - :P
Use your keyboard. :P
The P-35B
colon plus capital P - :P
P-) happy pirate P-( sad pirate
Eh.. You don't. :P
alt P