what does non strophic mean
what does jesse mean in mandrein
It does not mean anything.
what does the name Terrell mean
It doesn't have any mean in spanish.
Bill Zock died in 1988.
Bill Zock was born on 1918-01-26.
the zock machine the zock machine
in Africa an person named zock
zock hasn't been accepted into the English langauge as a word yet so therefor there is no translation if you rephrase the question i maybe able to help
The cast of Chocolat - 1988 includes: Laurent Arnal as Machinard Alain Artur Jean Bediebe as Prosper Philemon Blake Ondoua Emmanuelle Chaulet as Mireille Machinard Kenneth Cranham as Boothby Jacques Denis as Joseph Delpich Clementine Essono as Marie-Jeanne Emmet Judson Williamson as Mungo Park Tadfor Kamajou Saidou Karim Essindi Mindja as Blaise Agnes Ndoumbe Donatus Ngala Edwige Nto Ngon a Zock Mireille Perrier as France Dalens Ian Stapel
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.