I have on two
S THE fENDER gUITAR MODEL f-240a made?
Tuning is like a guitar with capo on the 5th fret. Here is the translation. If you are used to a regular guitar and you want to keep the same tone, just look at the following On a guitar On a guitalele A D A# D# B E C F C# F# D G D# G# E A F A# F# B G C G# C# Or just tune your guitalele in standard acoustic guitar tuning
C, c7, f, g, c, f, g, c
It means you play a D cord and add the F# note
which cheat? I mean, how the F*** am I supposed to answer your question if I don't know what you're talking about???
I have on two
On a keyboard, an F chord triad is f - a - c. On the guitar, you take an E chord and bar it up one fret. (Incidentally, it's f - a - c on the guitar too.)
Mean Guitar was created in 2003.
Robert F. Flemming, (NO 's'), was an African American man who lived in Massachusetts, and he 'invented' the guitar. the quotes around 'invented' mean that he only improved and patented the guitar. or some say............... ---XD:////:MZNERD
apparently not much of a difference. since the body is semi-hollow it implicitly means an electric guitar like the Gibson es-335 or an epiphone sheraton. in an electric guitar the f-holes apparently have little or no effect unlike a hollow guitar where the holes project the sound. in an electric guitar the f-holes are considered primarily decorative in nature.
S THE fENDER gUITAR MODEL f-240a made?
Guitar Hero 6 does not even f*cking exist you god damned f*cking retard!
The Guitar
La guitare (f)
F. Particularly difficult for beginners.