Kolohe is rascal in Hawaiian.
Rascal Flats, you spelled it right
rascal the dog is mascot of flatt dog pound rascal the dog is the mascot for flatt dog pound
Sterling goes on a day long boating trip with Rascal during mating season. He frees Rascal and lets him decide on staying with him or leaving with his girl friend. Rascal decided to leave.
No and Rascal Flatts is a band of three guys not a person
When he was in school his teacher use to call him rascal
A rascal!
A rustler, a renegade, a rascal,
We are called The Flatt Dog Pound :)
Rascal's closing for snow would depend on the area it is located, how much snow has fallen and road conditions. Business closings are often posted on local television stations and announced on local radio stations, or you could call Rascal's to inquire.
Literally, "a cheeky rascal" translates as "une racaille (feminine noun) insolente". The English word rascal has the same origin as the French "racaille", but that French word is most often associated with loitering uneducated youths, the kind you would call "chavs" in modern-days English.
What do you call a female prince
we call the female goat as sheep
1)You little rascal. 2)you rascal what are you trying to do!
female turkey are call hens
Rascal = yungantsch (×™×•× ×’×Ö·× ×˜×©)
Kolohe is rascal in Hawaiian.