Not currently (2011), She lives in Los Angelas in California.Selena Gomez lived in Dallas, TX in America. Selena Gomez lived in Grand Prarie, TX in America. These are all possible locations Selena Gomez lived in Texas.
Selena Gomez currently lives in Los Angelea,California!=D Hope I helped!
i hope that you meant lived. if that's the case then she lives in LA.
selena gomez it has it on pics of her perfume
No! Selena Gomez is not even married! No!Selena is 18!
Only one -- Selena Gomez was born in the United States and has lived here for her whole life.
selena gomez lived in poverty before she was famous :(
Selena Gomez lived in Dallas, TX in America. Selena Gomez lived in Grand Prarie, TX in America. These are all possible places Selena Gomez lived at in Texas.
Not currently (2011), She lives in Los Angelas in California.Selena Gomez lived in Dallas, TX in America. Selena Gomez lived in Grand Prarie, TX in America. These are all possible locations Selena Gomez lived in Texas.
Dallas, Texas, New York
Book 2 in "Bodega Dreams" begins with a flashback to 1977, where several characters' backgrounds and relationships are introduced. The narrative style shifts between characters and time periods, providing a deeper understanding of the story's context and themes. This transition marks a significant development in the novel's structure and storytelling approach.
Selena Gomez currently lives in Los Angelea,California!=D Hope I helped!
she lived in grand praire
who cares :P
selena gomez
i hope that you meant lived. if that's the case then she lives in LA.
selena gomez it has it on pics of her perfume