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the consumers are ya face ya mum and ya face

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12y ago
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11y ago

1 ) Primary consumers Frogs, toads , Spiders ,blue tit birds , sparrows , wood peckers .

3 ) Tertiary consumers = Hawk , owl , fox , jakals and tigers

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12y ago

well there would be birds such as woodpeckers,bugs,and owls

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14y ago

Woodpeckers and anything else you can picture in a conifer

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12y ago

A consumer is any animal that cannot make it's own food.

Some examples are: Deer, Bears, Birds

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11y ago

Animals (not all)

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12y ago

cows,deer,horse,and birds

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Q: What primary consumers are in coniferous forest?
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What are secondary consumers of coniferous forest?

wolves , bears and lynxes

What tertiary consumers are in the coniferous forest in California?

Siberian Tigers, wolves

3 types of consumers of the northwestern coniferous forest?

herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.

What are the primary consumers in the forest?

Roth and Cisco

What are typical primary consumers in a temperature deciduous forest?

Different areas of deciduous forest have can have different types of primary consumers. A primary consumer is any organism that eats producers. Some examples of primary consumers include deer, squirrels, rabbits, etc.

What is the definition of coniferous forest?

A coniferous forest is a fern forest

What does a coniferous tree look like?

A coniferous tree typically has needle-like or scale-like leaves that stay green year-round. They often have a triangular shape with a central trunk and branches that extend outward. Coniferous trees also produce cones to spread their seeds.

What are 3 primary consumers in the temperate forest?

The primary consumers are opossums, skunks, deer, rodents, fish, birds, and bears.

What primary consumers are in the deciduous forest?

Examples of secondary consumers are; lions, dogs and foxes.Plants are producers (they make their own food). Primary consumers eat producers - these are also called herbivores. Secondary consumers eat primary consumers - these are also called carnivores.

What is a sentence using coniferous forest?

A coniferous forest is one with many evergreen trees. You usually find a coniferous forest at higher altitudes.

What are the primary consumers of the forest?

animals such as , bears panthers monkeys and pandas.

Which trees live in a coniferous forest?
