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For temporary cleaning you should rosin your bow. You can buy rosin at virtually any music store that sells/repairs any stringed instruments. To use the rosin, rub it up and down your bow hair quickly, pressing down hard. Rub it approximately 50 times the very first time you rosin your bow, and 25-30 rubs 1 or 2 times a week after that. Do not rosin your bow every day. <><><> Ask your nearest music shop. It can be oiled to be cleaned. <><><> You should not clean bow hairs. You should however have your bow rehaired approximately every year depending on how much you play. It is bad to touch or try and clean the hairs because the hairs have very, very tiny burs on them which is what the rosin sticks to and is also what helps create the friction on the string which makes the string resonate and create sound. If you touch or clean the bow hairs, you will knock off these tiny burs. <><><> Don't clean the hairs. Just rehair it. If it's kind of brown near the frog, that's normal and avoid touching it. If the whole thing is dirty and you've touched it too much, take it to a violin repair specialist.


NEVER use oil on the hair, if the hair is filthy or a number of hairs have broken, just have new hair inserted. The so-called burs can't be "knocked off", since they don't actually exist. Rosin just sticks to the uneven hair (magnify under a microscope). If you try and clean hair, you could just make it worse, never ever use alcohol. The best thing to do is wash your hands before you play and get the bow rehaired once or twice a week.

Dave Lashof

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

To re-string your bow, you need to take it into a violin repair shop. There, they have a variety of hair samples you can choose from and you just pick the one you like best and they will fix it right up!

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βˆ™ 8y ago

If it's on the bow hairs, replace the hair. If it's on the stick it can be removed. In either case you should take it to the repair shop, trying to fix it yourself can cause irreparable damage.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

You can use a cotton cloth to gently rub the sides that are dirty.

Also for the string use a micro-fiber cloth with rubbing alcohol. Turn your violin upside down for this though as if any rubbing alcohol gets onto your violin, it takes off the finish.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

on the end there should be a screw like thing sorry i don't know the proper name for it but you just turn i forget which way but you can figure that out

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βˆ™ 15y ago

you can use a clean duster to wipe rosin off, that is what i do and it seems to work.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

rosin, you'll find it at your local music shop

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Play with the bow until it wears out or you can use scissors to cut 'em off.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Just like my teacher says. You are suppose to treat your violin bow and violin like a new born puppy.

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