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The radio antenna converts electromagnetic radiation to electrical energy

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Q: What can transformation can occur in a radio antenna?
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Why is radio Not picking up radio stations in a Renault?

Could be broke, or might just be a Hyundai radio. Check antenna, and cable from antenna to radio.

Do you have to have an antenna for a CB radio?

Only if you want the radio to work.

What does a radio need to pick up radio waves?


What part of a radio is the input?

The antenna.

Where is the Crown vic radio antenna located?

Your Antenna is located on the back window of the car

Related questions

What type of energy transformation does a radio signal have?

A radio signal is a form of electromagnetic energy. The energy transformation involves converting electrical energy into electromagnetic waves that carry information through the air to be received by a radio antenna.

How do you say radio antenna in German?

Radio antenna can be translated as: Funkantenne Radionantenne

What is wrong with the radio reception on a 2007 Camry Radio?

Bad antenna? Radio needs to be trimmed Bad antenna? Radio needs to be trimmed

Why is radio Not picking up radio stations in a Renault?

Could be broke, or might just be a Hyundai radio. Check antenna, and cable from antenna to radio.

How do you connect the radio antenna on a 1993 Ford f150?

To connect the radio antenna on a 1993 Ford F-150, the back of the radio needs to be exposed under the dash. Plug the radio antenna wire into the back of the radio and tighten the nut.

Can you replace an XM radio antenna with any other antenna like a 3ft hard cb antenna?

You can replace an XM radio antenna with a CB antenna, a ham 40-meter mobile antenna, a cellphone antenna, a GPS antenna, a TV antenna, a wire coat hanger, a 6 GHz microwave antenna, or a chain of paperclips. However, since none of them is optimized to operate at the frequencies of XM radio, like the XM antenna is, none of the others will work as well. Most of them will likely be so inefficient at the satellite radio frequencies that when you use one of those, you hear nothing at all on your radio.

What is the transformation energy of battery-operated radio?

what is the transformation of energy in battery-operated radio

Where is radio antenna located on 2003 Mitsubishi eclipse?

Where is the radio antenna located on a 2003 Mitsubishi eclipse

How do you install a universal antenna?

Remove the old antenna. Attach the universal antenna to the radio and replace the radio after finishing the task. Install the new antenna. Test to ensure the wiring works.

How does a radio telescope gather data?

a radio telescope focuses the incoming radio waves on a antenna, which absorbs and transmits these waves to an amplifier, just like a radio antenna.

Where is the radio antenna located on a 1979 Olds delta 88?

the radio antenna for the 79 delta 88 is behind the stereo there is a blue wire labeled antenna

Where are the antenna connections for a 2000 Ford Taurus?

The antenna connection, for your 2000 Ford Taurus, is on the back of the radio. The antenna cable goes from the radio to the connection in the windshield.