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People with food Allergies need to avoid the food or foods to which they are allergic. Those with a lactose intolerance need to avoid dairy products (unless they plan to be alone and near a toilet for the following six to eight hours). People with gout need to avoid foods that are high in purines in order to minimize the frequency of flareups. Diabetics also must stick to a special diet due to the impairment in their pancreatic function. Some people were born without the ability to produce certain enzymes, so they must either avoid the substances that those enzymes break down or they must consume the enzymes as a dietary supplement. I'm sure there are other conditions requiring special diets.

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Q: What are three physical conditions requiring special diets?
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Where can I find advice on special diet? has information on TONS of diets. It tells you what the best diets currently are, gives you reviews of diets and even has a section for special diets.

What can be the problem with special diets?

A wide range of side effects (some quite serious) can result from special diets, especially those that are nutritionally unbalanced.

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There aren't any diets requiring cholesterol, because cholestorol is bad for the body. some diets might have some cholestorol in the food, but not a whole lot.

Where can I read about special diets for people with psoriasis?

Sometimes psoriasis is linked to being overweight. There are special diets that can be followed to help avoid the symptoms which includes avoiding foods high in fat.

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According to, it is Dietetic."adjective, Also, dietetical 1. pertaining to diet or to regulation of the use of food.2. prepared or suitable for special diets, especially those requiring a restricted sugar intake."-

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Diabetic patients who take lots of carbohydrates risk worsening the condition if they do not follow the special diets.

Diets or special foods in Islam?

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What does a public health nutritionist do?

Nutritionists are responsible for helping people increase their physical and mental health through foods or special diets. They have extensive knowledge about nutrition, how it impacts people, and how it can prevent or treat certain illnesses.

What are the best special diets?

It depends on what you mean by a special diet. There are thousands of diets including low-carb, low-sugar, vegetarian, etc. You may want to first consider what your weight loss goal is, timeline, etc.

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Can diets cause side effects?

A wide range of side effects (some quite serious) can result from special diets, especially those that are nutritionally unbalanced.