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C D E F G A G E F E D D E F G A B D B C B A (repeat 5 or 6 times)

no i dont do this i do chords so kinda like this

c+e,d+f, e+g,f+a,g+b,a+c,g+b,e+g,f+a,e+g,d+f,d+f,e+g,f+a,g+b,a+c,b+d,d+f,b+d,c+e,b+d,a+c

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14y ago
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12y ago

C d e f g a g e f e d d e f g a b d b c b a

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14y ago


gg,a,b,g, f#


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Ggeg afa ged ggec aafa gbc

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Q: What are the notes for the rugrats theme on the piano?
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See the link provided.

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What are the piano notes to the big bang theory theme tune?

The main melody for "The Big Bang Theory" theme song is in the key of D Major and includes the notes D, F#, G, A. The specific arrangement and chords may vary depending on the version you are referencing, but these notes can help you get started playing the theme on piano.

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Super Mario is a very well known video game theme song. You could easily find the piano notes for this tune online.

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it f c k u

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It would be the same as the piano version, I guess.

How do you play the Doctor Who theme song on piano?

Either you get the notes (the music score), or you play it from memory.

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I figured out the first part of Ribbit March (the first theme song) it's: ccbcbcbagggacacabgfgfedefggegabbaagagag Those are the notes on the piano just play it to the beat of the song. :)

Where can you find the get smart theme song on piano?

you can watch a video on you tube and copy the notes down if you have the patience

What are the piano notes to fairytail main theme?

You would have to get the sheet music. You can also go on YouTube and watch a tutorial.

What is the angry boys theme tune piano notes?

F, Am, B, C S Sharp, E Flat

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Mostly C,D,E E#, Eb and Ab