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Depends on the chords you are talking about.

Major chords have a major third then a minor chord

Minor chords have a minor third and then a major chord

Augmented chords have two major thirds

Diminished chords have two minor thirds

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Q: What are the intervals between notes in a chord?
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What is a harmonic interval?

Answer:Notes that are played together or simultaneously create harmony. The interval between these notes are called harmonic intervals. Just like melodic intervals, there are harmonic 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, 6ths, etc. The difference is that in melodic intervals the notes are played one after another, while in harmonic intervals you play the notes at the same time.Notes on a chord that are played together have harmonic intervals. The most common type of chords are major and minor chords. The triad is a type of major or minor chord that has 3 notes played either at the same time or one after another. A major triad is played using the 1st (root) + 3rd + 5th notes of a major scale. A minor triad is played using the 1st (root) + 3rd + 5th notes of aminor scale.

What is an interval in musical term?

An interval is the distance between one note and another; could be compared to measurements on a ruler. There are melodic intervals; that is in horizontal movement AND harmonic intervals when two notes that are different from each other are played at the same time vertically as in a chord.

What is the difference between a melody and a chord?

A melody is a succession of musical notes, played in sequence. A chord is a collection of musical notes all played at the same time.

What is a difference between a melody and a chord?

A melody is a succession of musical notes, played in sequence. A chord is a collection of musical notes all played at the same time.

What is a Diminished Chord?

A chord is classified as diminished when it contains a diminished 5th above the tonic note.

How many notes make a chord?

Usually there are three notes to make a definable chord.

What is a chord that is broken into essential notes?

A chord that is broken into essential notes is known as an arpeggio.

What is the difference between the chords c and cm?

The C chord contains the notes C, E, and G. The C Minor chord contains the notes C, E Flat, and G.

What notes are in an DM major chord?

The notes in the D major chord are D, F-sharp, and A.

What is the difference between a note and a chord?

A note is a single sound, and a chord is a set of notes played at the same time to give a harmonious sound.

What are the notes in a F diminished chord?

An Fm7 is made up of an F, an Ab, a C, and an Eb.

Why isn't bdf a chord?

bdf is a chord - it's called a diminished chord - composed of two minor third intervals stacked on eachother.