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There's five flats in the key signature, so starting on the D just below the staff, the fingerings are: Db (1 2), Eb (2), F (1), Gb (2), Ab (2 3), Bb (1), C (open), Db (1 2).

The fingerings are for a single French horn.

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Darlene Tromp

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2y ago
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12y ago

For an A major scale the fingerings are:









If you want to play with the thumb key the fingerings are:









These fingerings are for a one octave scale starting with second line A below the staff and ending with second space A in the staff. Although I gave the Thumb key fingering for F#, you should use the other fingering for this note. Also these are the fingerings for the A major scale in horn key. If you want the A

Concert scale it is the same as the E horn scale, which has the same sharps except for D#, which is the same as Eb.

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12y ago

There's five flats in the key signature, so starting on the D just below the staff, the fingerings are: Db (1 2), Eb (2), F (1), Gb (2), Ab (2 3), Bb (1), C (open), Db (1 2).

The fingerings are for a single French horn.

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15y ago

12, 2, 1, 2, T23, T1, T0, T23 C#, D#, E#, F#, G#, A#, B#, C# or Db, Eb, F, Gb, Ab, Bb, C, Db (I like this one better!!!)

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12y ago

Concert A is the horn's written E, so the notes are E F# G# A B C# D# E.

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13y ago

C major scale. C-open.D-2.E-open.F-1.G-open.A-trigger 12.B trigger 5. C-trigger open.

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Q: What are the Fingerings for the concert A scale on french horn?
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An Fb scale on the horn is the same as the E scale!! Crazy, huh? Hope this helps!! =)

Are trumpet fingerings the same as f horn fingerings?

Trumpet fingerings can be used on French Horn, but those are not the standard fingerings. They also cannot be used when the Thumb Key or Trigger (T) is used.

What are the fingerings for the french horn on the A flat major scale?

Okay this is for double horn... Our e flat scale 2 1 open thumb 23 thumb 1 thumb open thumb 12 thumb 1 hope this helps

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Kinda. A mellophone is a trumpet pitched like a french horn. It has mostly trumpet fingerings.

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The correct scale for concert pitch C on a tenor horn is a C major.

What does the trigger do on a double french horn?

It turns it into a B flat horn, the fingerings change when you hold down the trigger.

What are the fingerings and notes to the concert Bb on French horn?

F (1), G (open), A (1 2), Bb (1), C (open), D (open), E (open), F (1)

What is the f flat concert scale for F french horn?

Fb would be the same as E natural, so it would be open.

Where did people play the french horn?

The French Horn actually originated in Europe and has been around for quite a while. In the beginning, it had no fingerings and was played by buzzing different notes, which could also be tuned by the moving of the hand inside the bell. Then the Germans invented the valve system, and fingerings were introduced to the horn. Of course, Americans call it the French horn.... Anyway, the French Horn is a unique instrument enjoyed in orchestras all over the world. :)

Does the mellowphone use the same fingerings as a f horn?

Depends how you finger the f horn. Horn can use any fingerings that mellophone can, but not the other way around. This is because the overtone series of the horn is an octave below that of the mellophone. ~ Adding onto that, mellowphones use the same fingerings as trumpets. Generally, the fingerings are the same as the F horn fingerings an octave lower, but not always.

What is the concert scale of the french horn?

The French horn is built so that it sounds in the key of F. If a hornist's music says to play a middle C, it will be the same pitch as an F below middle C on the piano. If a piece of music is writen in Concert F, a C-instrument, such as a trombone, will have one flat (B flat) in his or her key signature while a hornist will have no sharps or flats.

What notes are in the Db Concert natural scale for french horns?

The key would be Ab for horns, 4 flats in the key signature, so starting on low A, it goes Ab (2 3), Bb (1), C (open), Db (1 2), Eb (2), F (1), G (open), Ab (2 3). The fingerings go along with a single French horn.