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*Lot's of ornamentation

*Rubato in the right hand

*Very romantic

The form can be summarized as A1, A2, B1, A3, B2, A4, Coda.[1] The melody of the piece is almost immediately enclosed within a bar, after which there is a reverse motion to achieve the point of stability, which is the prime of the tonic. Within the backwards motion of the melody there are added notes, ornamentation, adding to the dynamism of the piece-creating greater hesitation and weakening the overall tension toward the first closer in the tonic prime. The lack of a strong closure causes a delay of the resolution that covers the entire theme; this delay is something very familiar to Chopin, who uses delays and hesitation to create a tension and a passionate longing for the resolution. There is also a lack of a closed cadence at the end of section B and an elision joining passage B with the third representation of A, causing some ambiguity in respect to the form of the piece. There are also strong melo-harmonic closures, an appearance of the tonic on the downbeat, with its prime in the melody.[1]
---- [1] Szklener, Artur. "Melodies of Chopin's Nocturnes: a multi layer issue." In Analytical Perspectives on the music of Chopin, by Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, 185-201. Warszawa, Poland: Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, 2003.

---- [1] Walker, Alan. Frederic Chopin--Profiles of the man and the musician. Chatham: W. & J. Mackay & Co Ltd.

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10y ago

It is categorized as Op 72. It is the last nocturne by the composer. It was composed in 1849.

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he has fast music

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