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If your son is anything like mine you will notice some big changes. He will start to become more defiant. This is not always a bad thing but sometimes it is. He will begin to have his own way of doing things. My son now keeps his room neat and organized, which he never did before. He is starting to take more time and care with his apperance; buying hair gel, the "cool" clothes and all "baby" toys are slowly but surely making their way to the Goodwill. Another thing to expect is for your grocery bill to go up considerable. Now that I have been nice about it I will tell you how i really feel..... HA HA. You will have more days where he thinks he knows everything. My mother always told me that teenagers were the ones to act like that but whether it is our society or not my son is starting this. I find my self getting more frustrating and looking for the sweet mama's boy that was here yesterday. My husband has really had to help me try and embrace his changes instead of bucking them at every turn.

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Q: What are the behavior characteristics of an 8 year old boy?
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Who from mindless behavior will go out with a 13 year old?

of course roc royal he's the 13 year old

Would Nick Jonas date a 8 year old boy?

not a boy no

How old is the Mindless Behavior gang?

The whole group mindless behavior just turned 14 this year. All of them were born in the year of 1998.

Can an 11-year-old girl and an 11-year-old boy be together?

No. If you don't believe me, ask your mother. ?No its fine i am 11 and i have girl friend

Why would Mindless Behavior date a 9 year old?

Probably not.

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What is behavior difference between 7 year old and a 11 year old?

it depends weather it is a boy or girl

Who is the fastest a 10 year old boy or 12 year old girl?

It really depends more on the physical characteristics and health of the individuals involved and not the age or whether they are a boy or girl.

Its permit to a 14 years old boy to spend the night at home alone?

It depends on the maturity of the 14 year old. There is nothing wrong with it if the boy does not have a history of bad behavior.It depends on the maturity of the 14 year old. There is nothing wrong with it if the boy does not have a history of bad behavior.It depends on the maturity of the 14 year old. There is nothing wrong with it if the boy does not have a history of bad behavior.It depends on the maturity of the 14 year old. There is nothing wrong with it if the boy does not have a history of bad behavior.It depends on the maturity of the 14 year old. There is nothing wrong with it if the boy does not have a history of bad behavior.It depends on the maturity of the 14 year old. There is nothing wrong with it if the boy does not have a history of bad behavior.

Who is MB Ray?

His name is Ray Ray and he is a 13 year old boy in the group Mindless Behavior.

Can a 14 year old boy get a 13 year old boy pregnant?


Is it right that if a 10 boy kisses an 11 year old girl?

No, it is not appropriate for a 10-year-old boy to kiss an 11-year-old girl without the consent of both parties and their parents. It is important to respect boundaries and age-appropriate behavior in all interactions.

Can a thirteen year old boy share a bedroom with a fifteen year old boy?


Can a 16 year boy old be charged with threatening a 12 year old boy.?


What sentence would you write for improper?

A 13 year-old boy watching pornography on the computer is an improper behavior for a boy of that age. Pornography is improper because it devalues women and the sacredness of sex.

What is the height of a 2.5 year old boy?

The height of a 2.5 year old boy will vary depending on genetics. The average of a 2.5 year old boy is around three feet.

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If a fifthteen year old girl cheated on a eighteen year old boy what should the boy do?

Dump Her.