Yesu anakupenda
Yesu - Jesus
Kupenda - to love
ana - prefix meaning an action towads you
Yes. it was written by T.D. Jakes. you will find the lyrics on the link below.
Jesus Loves me this I know For the Bible tells me so Little ones to him belong They are weak but He is strong Yes Jesus Loves Me Yes Jesus Loves Me Yes Jesus Loves Me The Bible tells me so.
See related links.
These are lyrics from "Funkytown" by the band Lipps Inc.
Yes. it was written by T.D. Jakes. you will find the lyrics on the link below.
That no matter how many mistakes you make, Jesus loves you!
Jesus Loves me this I know For the Bible tells me so Little ones to him belong They are weak but He is strong Yes Jesus Loves Me Yes Jesus Loves Me Yes Jesus Loves Me The Bible tells me so.
"Jesus You're beautiful" by Cece Winans
Jesus loves me i know That's my king Dr. S.M Lockridge bible verses- black Shelton
The song Jesus I Believe What You Said was made popular by singer Evie Tornquist. Lyrics and music to the song were written by Bill and Gloria Gaither.
See related links.
"Jesus Loves You" is a song by Christian pop punk band Stellar Kart. It was sung by Adam Agee and Ian Eskelin.
These are lyrics from "Funkytown" by the band Lipps Inc.
One may find information about the George Michael song "Jesus To A Child" from Wikipedia. One may also find the complete lyrics to the song at Metro Lyrics.
That line is from his song "Suzanne."