The literal translation of the title is: 'Josue lucho en la batalla de jerico'
but whether this is what it is called in Spanish, and the lyrics, I don't know.
It means: Joshua fought in the battle of Jericho.
during a naval battle the two fought each other ( Battle of Erash). Both exhausted their resources and called a truce. from there on they fought as partners.
i have no clue but i need to find out
Although the battlefield was roughly the same, the Battle of Wilderness Tavern or The Wilderness was fought one year later than that of Chancellorsville, from May 3rd to May 6th, 1864.
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture was written for an anniversary celebration of the Russian victory over Napoleon at Borodino in that year.
It means: Joshua fought in the battle of Jericho.
Joshua (fought the battle of Jericho)
In archaic English, "Fit" is the past participle of "fight". So, it is kind of like saying: "Joshua Fought The Battle of Jericho."
In the book of Joshua chapters 2-6 in the Holy Bible there is the story of two spies from Iseral went into Jericho to spy out the land. By chapter 6 the Israelites fought and won the battle of Jericho by marching around the walls and shouting.
Your question is worded unclearly; here are possible answers: 1) God's command (Joshua 6:2). 2) Joshua, who led the Israelites for 28 years after the death of Moses (Joshua ch.1 to ch.24). 3) The Kohanim, who led the circling of the city (Joshua ch.6). 4) The report of the scouts, saying that the land, and Jericho, were ready for taking (see Joshua ch.2). 5) Rahab (ibid), who stated that the Israelites had nothing to be apprehensive about. 6) The fact that Jericho was considered the key entry point to the rest of Canaan (midrash Tanhuma, section Behaalotcha 18).
It was the Battle of Manila Bay.
No, Moses and Joshua were not cousins. Joshua was Moses " General" when he was fighting in the army. Joshua fought and overcame the battle with a sword. Furthermore, Joshua was of the half-tribe of Ephraim while Moses was of the tribe of Levi.
The Spanish Armada
The battle at Jerico was regarding a land of promise through Moses to Joshua. A land flowing with milk and honey meaning. A place to increase as far as family and wealth, but Joshua had to go in and posess the land first.
The spanish and the texans who claimed to then be there own rebublic.
because he fought in battle with the spanish