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1. "Frühling"("Spring") (Text: Hermann Hesse)

In dämmrigen Grüften

träumte ich lang

von deinen Bäumen und blauen Lüften,

Von deinem Duft und Vogelsang.

Nun liegst du erschlossen

In Gleiß und Zier

von Licht übergossen

wie ein Wunder vor mir.

Du kennst mich wieder,

du lockst mich zart,

es zittert durch all meine Glieder

deine selige Gegenwart!

In shadowy crypts

I dreamt long

of your trees and blue skies,

of your fragrance and birdsong.

Now you appear

in all your finery,

drenched in light

like a miracle before me.

You recognize me,

you entice me tenderly.

All my limbs tremble at

your blessed presence!

Composed: July 20, 1948

2. "September"(Text: Hermann Hesse)

Der Garten trauert,

kühl sinkt in die Blumen der Regen.

Der Sommer schauert

still seinem Ende entgegen.

Golden tropft Blatt um Blatt

nieder vom hohen Akazienbaum.

Sommer lächelt erstaunt und Matt

In den sterbenden Gartentraum.

Lange noch bei den Rosen

bleibt er stehn, sehnt sich nach Ruh.

Langsam tut er

die müdgeword'nen Augen zu.

The garden is in mourning.

Cool rain seeps into the flowers.

Summertime shudders,

quietly awaiting his end.

Golden leaf after leaf falls

from the tall acacia tree.

Summer smiles, astonished and feeble,

at his dying dream of a garden.

For just a while he tarries

beside the roses, yearning for repose.

Slowly he closes

his weary eyes.

Composed: September 20, 1948

3. "Beim Schlafengehen"("Going to sleep") (Text: Hermann Hesse)

Nun der Tag mich müd' gemacht,

soll mein sehnliches Verlangen

freundlich die gestirnte Nacht

wie ein müdes Kind empfangen.

Hände, laßt von allem Tun,

Stirn, vergiß du alles Denken.

Alle meine Sinne nun

wollen sich in Schlummer senken.

Und die Seele, unbewacht,

will in freien Flügen schweben,

um im Zauberkreis der Nacht

tief und tausendfach zu leben.

Now that I am wearied of the day,

I will let the friendly, starry night

greet all my ardent desires

like a sleepy child.

Hands, stop all your work.

Brow, forget all your thinking.

All my senses now

yearn to sink into slumber.

And my unfettered soul

wishes to soar up freely

into night's magic sphere

to live there deeply and thousandfold.

Composed: August 4, 1948

4. "Im Abendrot"("At sunset") (Text: Joseph von Eichendorff)

Wir sind durch Not und Freude

gegangen Hand in Hand;

vom Wandern ruhen wir

nun überm stillen Land.

Rings sich die Täler neigen,

es dunkelt schon die Luft.

Zwei Lerchen nur noch steigen

nachträumend in den Duft.

Tritt her und laß sie schwirren,

bald ist es Schlafenszeit.

Daß wir uns nicht verirren

in dieser Einsamkeit.

O weiter, stiller Friede!

So tief im Abendrot.

Wie sind wir wandermüde--

Ist dies etwa der Tod?

We have gone through sorrow and joy

hand in hand;

Now we can rest from our wandering

above the quiet land.

Around us, the valleys bow;

the air is growing darker.

Just two skylarks soar upwards

dreamily into the fragrant air.

Come close to me, and let them flutter.

Soon it will be time for sleep.

Let us not lose our way

in this solitude.

O vast, tranquil peace,

so deep at sunset!

How weary we are of wandering---

Is this perhaps death?

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Song 1: Spring:

In dusky vaults

I have long dreamt

of your trees and blue skies,

of your scents and the songs of birds.

Now you lie revealed

in glistening splendour,

flushed with light,

like a wonder before me.

You know me again,

you beckon tenderly to me;

all of my limbs quiver

from your blissful presence!

Song 2: September:

The garden is mourning,

the rain sinks coolly into the flowers.

Summer shudders

as it meets its end.

Leaf upon leaf drops golden

down from the lofty acacia.

Summer smiles, astonished and weak,

in the dying garden dream.

For a while still by the roses

it remains standing, yearning for peace.

Slowly it closes its large

eyes grown weary.

Song 3: While Going To Sleep:

Now that the day has made me so tired,

my dearest longings shall

be accepted kindly by the starry night

like a weary child.

Hands, cease your activity,

head, forget all of your thoughts;

all my senses now

will sink into slumber.

And my soul, unobserved,

will float about on untrammeled wings

in the enchanted circle of the night,

living a thousandfold more deeply.

Song 4: In Twilight:

We've gone through joy and crisis

Together, hand in hand,

And now we rest from wandering

Above the silent land.

The valleys slope around us,

The air is growing dark,

And dreamily, into the haze,

There still ascends two larks.

Come here, and let them flutter,

The time for sleep is soon.

We would not want to lose our way

In this great solitude.

O vast and silent peace!

So deep in twilight ruddiness,

We are so wander-weary -

Could this perchance be death?

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