1. Fauré
2. Saint- Saëns
3. Massenet
4. Gounod
5. Dukas
6. Berlioz
7. Franck
8. Bizet
9. Offenbach
10. Godard
11. Chausson
12. Chabrier
(This is not in order of birth)
Debussy, Ravel, and Satie were also born in the 19th century, but I did not put them here, because the style was more 20th Century.
Abed Azrie is a composer from Aleppo, Syria. Seyyed Darwish was a popular Egyptian composer and songwriter in the early twentieth century.
Yeah! some include Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, and Erik Satie.
The Romantic Era was a cultural movement originating in Europe near the end of the 18th century, and lasting through the middle of the 19th century. Some notable composers of the Romantic era are: Hector Berlioz, Giuseppe Verdi, Ludwig von Beethoven, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
The eighteenth century produced a huge number of composers and some of the greatest works of music. Bach, Handel, Beethovan, and Mozart were all a product of the eighteenth century.
In, Proto-Romantic usually refers to the generation of musicians between the Classical era (Mozart, Haydn) and the Romantic Era (Schumann, Mendelssohn). Some Proto-romantic composers are Czerny and Hummel. Chopin and Beethoven both fit the time period, but no one typically calls them by that term because they are both so famous on their own. In that sense, proto-romantic usually refers to the lesser composers that were writing in the very early part of the 19th century.
It was because of French and British 19th century colonisation. They made any African countries they controlled learn French or some English.
Joshua Hinkel
The French conquered England in 1066 and until the end of the 19th century French was a very important language for those living in English speaking countries.
The scalawags were pros carpetbaggers were cons in the exPansion in the 19th century
Abed Azrie is a composer from Aleppo, Syria. Seyyed Darwish was a popular Egyptian composer and songwriter in the early twentieth century.
1900 was the last year of the 19th century. Some will say it was 1899, but that is wrong. A century is a group of 100 years. This was the 19th group of 100 years. The first would have been 1 to 100, so the 19th was 1801 to 1900.
Yeah! some include Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, and Erik Satie.
Invented by Ferlandis of Bergamo in 1760, but Skinner re-invented it in the 1920's as it wasn't used much before the 19th century, although some composers used it as a solo instrument e.g. Sibelius's The Swan of Tuonela.
The Romantic Era was a cultural movement originating in Europe near the end of the 18th century, and lasting through the middle of the 19th century. Some notable composers of the Romantic era are: Hector Berlioz, Giuseppe Verdi, Ludwig von Beethoven, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
carridges to cars
Some did, but most didn't.