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it is a musical note

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Q: What are semi notes?
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What is the smallest space between two notes called in most Western music?

semi tone or flat

How many semi-quavers are there in a breve?

Semi quavers refer to sixteenth notes, and breves are double whole notes. In 4/4 time, semi quavers last 1/4 beats and breves last for 8 beats. So if there are 4 semi quavers in a crotchet and 8 crotchets in a breve, there are 32 semi quavers in a breve.

How long does a semibreve last for?

A Semi-breve lasts for 4 beats. So, in the time signature of 4/4, a Semi-breve lasts for 4 Quarter notes.

What 4 notes equal a semi breve?

Well a semibreve is a whole note which is 4 beats. There are different combinations of notes that equal 4 beats. For example, 4 quarter notes, 2 half notes, a dotted half note and a quarter note, 16 sixteenth notes, 8 eighth notes. These different types of notes can be put together to equal 4 beats or a semibreve.

What are the 2 lines on a quaver?

Quavers or smaller notes are grouped together by beams. If there are two parallel beams, the notes should be semi quavers. In usual practice, these are grouped in crotchets in simple time signatures.

How many semi-quavers are in a dotted minim?

In music notation, a semi-quaver is a sixteenth note, while a minim is equivalent to two half notes. When a minim is dotted, it adds half of its original value, making it equal to three half notes or six quarter notes. Therefore, there are 24 semi-quavers in a dotted minim.

What is the value of a Browning 401 Cal Semi Auto Rifle?

The only semi-auto centerfire made by Browning that I know of is the BAR. AFAIK, it was never offered in 401. Provide detailed notes of all markings, barrel length, sights, wood, finish. Anything is posssible.

How does one write a Cb note on the treble clef?

b means the flat version of the note, one semi-tone below C. Between notes B and C on any clef there is only one semi-tone, so there is no C flat note. The C flat note is actually B.

Is a whole step the smallest possible interval?

No, it is a semi-tone or half-step, at least on a piano. There can be the system of microtones in which there are even smaller gaps in between notes. A piano can be tuned in this way, but it is not very common.

What does a dimished second have?

In twelve tone equal temperament (the way things are tuned in the West) the diminished second is the enharmonic equivalent of a perfect unison. A MAJOR second is two semi-tones wide (the interval from "do" to "re"), a MINOR second in one semi-tone wide (the interval from "ti" to "do" - or the "Jaws Shark Theme") so a DIMINISHED second is one less than the minor second - or zero semi-tones. Examples of diminished seconds are the intervals between the notes C# and Db or the notes E# and F. The two notes in a diminished second are said to be “enharmonic equivalents” of each other because they sound the same but look different on paper.(However, in various Just Intonations the diminished second is a very small interval called a comma - around 23 cents.)

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What are long or short notes in music?

There may be different types of notes in a musical phrase. A phrase in music is denoted by connecting them through a slur. They usually are played smoothly unless otherwise indicated as a direction.