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# Jews do not use electricity on the Sabbath(TVs, cars, etc). # Jews do not cook on the Sabbath. # Jews do not write on the Sabbath.

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Q: What are 3 things Jews do not do on the Sabbath?
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What do Jews call a gentile who does things they can't on the sabbath?

In the UK, a Sabbath Goy.

What were Jews banned from?

There were many things that the Jews were banned from. But I am only going to name 4 things that Jews are banned from on the Sabbath. 1. Banned from riding in a car. 2. Banned from the movie theaters. 3. Banned from riding a bike. 4. Banned from going to a Dutch school.

What is holy for Jews?

The sabbath!

Do Jews watch tv on sabbath?

No, Torah-observant Jews do not.

What day is sabbath in the English dictionary?

That depends on WHICH Sabbath you're looking up: 1. Fridays - Muslims 2. Saturdays - Jews 3. Sundays - Christians

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Yes. The Christian Sabbath is celebrated by Christians on Sunday. Jews celebrate the Sabbath from Friday sunset until Saturday after twilight.

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Jews worship the sabbath from Friday eve to Saturday eve. Christians worship the Sabbath on Sunday. I am not sure about non-Christians, or non-Jews.

Do Orthodox Jews do personal grooming on the Sabbath?

No, they do personal grooming BEFORE the Sabbath.

Who changed sabbath day?

For the Jews, the Sabbath (or Shabbat) has never been changed.

What do the Jews do on a sabbath day and during pass over?

They welcome the Sabbath and celebrate Passover.

Can Jews work on a Saturday?

Saturday is the Sabbath in Judaism. Orthodox (and some non-orthodox) Jews will not work. Many non-Orthodox Jews will work, but still remember the Sabbath day in their own ways. (And yes, there are some Orthodox Jews that work on Saturdays, but they do not advertise this fact).

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