Asim - its me :P
Boy bands are a bad influence because you see all these boys growing up now and when they see the boy bands on tv they will go oooh why cant i be like that and that is another boy band and it influences girls to act all stupid over gay looking boys.
One Direction or 1D
cause boyz are very hot indeed!
The Boy Bands Have Won was created in 2007.
i have got 4 bands in listening 4 bands in reading 6 bands in writing and 4.5 in speaking, overall bands 4.5 I think can i go UK
The beatles! :) :) :)
One direction
Asim - its me :P
Boy bands are a bad influence because you see all these boys growing up now and when they see the boy bands on tv they will go oooh why cant i be like that and that is another boy band and it influences girls to act all stupid over gay looking boys.
WHSmith is good for that stuff, and it's all over the place in the UK!
Because your boyfriend is actually interested in you and the boy bands probably don't even know you.
I doubt that there is a count which includes all amateur and only locally known bands.