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Stratford idol competition

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Q: Were did Justin Bieber place 2nd in singing competition?
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What was the first singing competition Justin Bieber entered in and what place did he get?

The first competition that Justin bieber has entered was thr stratford star and he made the final 3. He got 2nd place.

Was Justin Bieber in a competion and where?

he entered a singing competition caled stratford idol when he was 12 and got 2nd place

What place did Justin take in the stratford star singing competition?

Justin took 2nd place.

What was the name of the competition that Justin bieber won 2nd place?

Stratford Star Competition

Where did Justin place second in a Singing competition?

Justin won 2nd place to Leah Keeley in Stratford Ontario, In the Stratford Idol, Competition.

When did justin start singing?

he enter a singing competition when he was 12 years old. He came in 3rd place.

What is the achievements os justing bieber?

He won second place in a singing competition without practising.

Who is Mrs Bieber?

Everybody seems to know who Justin Bieber is.Born in Stratford, Ontario, on March 1, 1994, Justin didn't consider singing until he was 12, after a second-place finishin a talent showin 2007."I entered a local singing competition called Stratford Idol," he says. "The other people in the competition had been taking singing lessons and had vocal coaches. I wasn't taking it too seriously at the time, I would just sing around the house. I was only 12 and I got second place."Soon after, the only child from the marriage of the now-divorced Pattie Mallette and Jeremy Jack Bieber started posting videos on YouTube for family and friends to enjoy.Now he is famous, with some of the most memorable songs in history, and looks that make girls swoon.Who will be Mrs. Bieber? One day, we will find out. Mrs. Bieber is the going-to-be wife of Justin Bieber. Mrs. Bieber is unknown, and it is unlikely that Justin has met her yet.

Is Justin Bieber one of the singers on mini pop kids?

He didnt say anything abt being one of those singers, all we know that he joined a singing competition when he was younger and got 2nd place

Who is the thruh Justin bieber and is he really dead?

yes Justin bieber died of pancriatic cancer and his twin brother greyson took his place so the one singing is greyson bieber and hes had sex twice once with my brother

Is Justin Bieber a prod?

YES, Justin Bieber is a prod. He taught himself how to play 5 instruments and he is also a great singer. Usher and Justin Timberlake both wanted to sign him. He also won second place in a Stradford competition.

How old was Justin Bieber when he entered the singing contest?

I think he was 12 years old. But i do know for a fact that he came in 2nd place.