The Blues music.
There are quite a few differences between Indian and Western music. These differences include tonality, rhythm, and meter usage for example.
no. we can also refer it to American music
changed the style and traditionalism
...are major and minor
Western Surety Company was created in 1900.
The development of symphonies is admirable and pays a significant importance to Western Art Music today. Symphonies introduced a new type of music to the world; music that was not reliant on the skills of solo performers; music that demanded the audience's attention and awareness. This created a thought-provoking concentration within the audience and earned a greater appreciation for the detail in the music.
In the period1865 to 1900 How did the US government aid development of the west from?
No, opera is considered classical music.
Western Europe
what factors led to the development of western cities
Yes, it has 5 development regions. 1. Eastern Development Region 2. Central Development Region 3. Western Development Region 4. Mid-Western Development Region 5. Far-Western Development Region
Western Music Company ended in 1970.
Western Music Company was created in 1930.