Beyonce has beef with Rihanna because Rihanna TRIED to steal Jay From Her
Did Beyonce and jay z brake up
Jay-Z is married to Beyonce, and they have a child together. Rihanna and Jay-Z were never actually a couple.
NO Jay-z is deeply in love and married to Beyonce
Beyonce has beef with Rihanna because Rihanna TRIED to steal Jay From Her
no jay-z is married to beyonce
no jay-z is married to beyonce
No, Jay-Z is married to Beyonce
Rihanna and Jay-z are not going out. Jay-Z is married to Beyonce and Rihanna is dating Matt Kemp.
Did Beyonce and jay z brake up
obviously not as jay-z is married to beyonce
Jay-Z is married to Beyonce, and they have a child together. Rihanna and Jay-Z were never actually a couple.
yes but he was dating beyonce at the same time and Rihanna did not know about that
No. Beyonce never considered Rihanna a problem, Jay-z is a mentor to Rihanna, and contrary to popular belief, not everyone takes their clothes off to get ahead. Beyonce and Rihanna are actually good friends. The media is palying up to the fact that Beyonce has recently split with her dad as management and the rumours are that B will sign with hubbys label, the media spin is that this may be of concern to rihanna because she feels she will be put on the back burner
NO Jay-z is deeply in love and married to Beyonce