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Vivaldi and Paganini were both masters of the violin.

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Paganini also played the classical guitar.

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Q: Vivaldi and Paganini were noted masters of which instrument?
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When did antonio vivaldi move to Vienna?

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Who is a noted composer?

There are many noted composers. If you mean classical music composers, some are Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Pytor Tchaikovsky, Frédéric Chopin, Sergei Rachmaninoff and so on. For baroque music, some composers are Johann Bach, Antonio Vivaldi and George Handel.

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You can play any instrument with the bass clef. This is just a convention to write notes of certain height in the bass clef. You can play a piece on an instrument if their diapasons match. Or even it is not so, you can transpose a piece to the diapason for your instrument. Usually, pieces written for bass instruments (for example, electric bass guitar or double bass) are noted on the bass clef.

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we note that

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Why is an accordion a woodwind instrument?

It is a woodwind instrument because, like other woodwinds, it also uses reeds. Think about a clarinet, for example. Clarinets are woodwinds because when you blow on them, the reed vibrates and makes a sound. Accordions are like having a bunch of different reeds all contained in one instrument. When you press a key down, it opens a reed so that air can flow over it and it can vibrate. Then you have to move the bellows to get air moving over the reed. Since it has reeds, it can be thought of as a woodwind instrument. However, it must be noted that the reeds are usually made of steel, not wood.

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