Power from the final power amplifier stage of the transmitter ==> out the transmission line ==>
either up the tower to the antenna, or to the base of the tower when the tower is the antenna.
Then from the antenna out into space, in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
A tiny, infinitesimal fraction of the energy is intercepted by my antenna, where it induces a small
RF current. The current flows down my transmission line, through a coil in my radio, to ground.
On its way down toward ground, I use the RF current to control an amplifier stage in the front end
of my radio, where a copy of the signal is created at a much higher power level ... something that's
loud enough for the rest of the radio to work with.
The copy is combined with a local oscillator in a non-linear stage, where all of the sum-and-difference
frequencies among the local oscillator frequency, the radio station's carrier and sideband frequencies
are generated.
The narrow bundle of frequencies centered at the radio's preferred IF frequency is selected to
survive, and everything else is flushed to ground. The preferred IF frequency was created by
carefully controlling the frequency of that local oscillator in the last paragraph.
The IF bundle is amplified a few times, then it's ready for "detection". It's passed through another
non-linear stage where sums and differences of frequencies are generated, but this time, there is
no local oscillator. The sums and differences are just the mixtures of the various frequencies
present in the IF bundle. One of those products is the (carrier frequency) minus the (sideband
frequency) ... which is just a copy of the announcer's voice. This mix-product is selected to survive,
and all the rest are again flushed to ground.
Now the audio is amplified a couple of times, and it's finally ready for the ear-buds or the loudspeaker.
610WIP Radio Station is a Sportscast Radio Station. The Philadelphia Eagles have been broadcasting on 610WIP since 1992. A wide variety of shows are broadcasted such as golf, NBA basketball and soccer. Bikini basketball is broadcast on the radio station as well!
5027 sq miles, approx.
mad dog radio
99.5 fm
KISS 100, named 'The beat of the UK' are an english radio station, who commonly broadcast R&B, Hip Hop and all types of electronica/dance music. They mainly broadcast from London.
I got a telemetry for the fellow army base in Arizona.
Stereo transmitters work with your FM radio station to broadcast MP3 or digital recorder files through your stereo. You need a stereo transmitter to pick up the sound data and broadcast through the radio.
from transmitter through air molecules in the form of waves
610WIP Radio Station is a Sportscast Radio Station. The Philadelphia Eagles have been broadcasting on 610WIP since 1992. A wide variety of shows are broadcasted such as golf, NBA basketball and soccer. Bikini basketball is broadcast on the radio station as well!
KDKA, Pittsburgh PA
The iTrip nano is not a GPS device; it is an FM transmitter. It allows you to broadcast your iPod and other MP3 devices through an FM station on your car radio.
This is a transmitter that works in conjunction with your car stereo to broadcast content from your mp3 player over your radio using FM radio waves. This can also work with some digital recorders.
5027 sq miles, approx.
after being a student she dived into broadcast media working at a Nashville's radio station
mad dog radio
99.5 fm