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I don't know who submitted that but my Guide to Software course book says that subdirectories are called child directories, or folders. It says nothing about paths. The correct answer is folder.

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Q: Subdirectories are also known as
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Subdirectories are also known as what?

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To list the subdirectories in the current directory: find . -maxdepth 1 -type d To list the subdirectories and all their subdirectories: find . -type d

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Under M$ windows, "dir". Under *nix, "ls". "ls -al" will list ALL files and subdirectories (even the hidden ones which start with a '.' in a long format which is easier to read and tells you more information about the files).

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1) When in DOS at the C:/, type RD (remove directory)2) hit Enter keyC:/C:/RDEnter

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