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Although natural pregnancy could occur it is very slim. If it does happen naturally there is a very good chance that it would be ectopic. The most natural way to have a child after having a tubal ligation is with tubal ligation reversal. Surprising to many is the fact the tubal reversal has a better pregnancy rate than the alternative treatment of IVF. Not only does tubal ligation reversal have a better success rate it is more natural and less expensive than the alternative.
Yes, but it would be extremely rare, unless your tubal ligation has come undone. The chance of the pregnancy being normal are lower, and the chance that it is an ectopic or tubal pregnancy is much higher than normal.
Although tubal ligation is considered a permanent sterilization process, there is always a very small chance of pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy can also occur after this procedure. The only way to be 100% would be a hysterectomy or oophorectomy (removal of the uterus or ovaries). This is why women of child bearing years are still required to have pregnancy tests done in hospitals before certain procedures.
The failure rate for female tubal ligation after five years is about .1 percent or about one tenth of one percent. In other words, about one in 1000 patients become pregnant within five years of a tubal ligation.
Pregnancy after Tubal Ligation is very rare. It has less than a 2% failure rate and is considered permanent. Woman that do get pregnant afterward usually experience it in within the first 3 months during healing or several years later due to the tube healing back together. Women who have had tubal ligation are at greater risk for ectopic pregnancy which can be life threatening if left untreated. If you feel that you could be pregnant after a tubal ligation you should see a Dr immediately.
No. Pregnancy is not possible after successful tubal ligation.
If you have had a tubal ligation and you want to become pregnant, it may happen, but you'll have better chances if you have a surgical procedure to reverse the tubal ligation. There is no guarantee that you'll experience success after a reversal, but the ability to reverse a tubal ligation is there and it will dramatically increase your chances of becoming pregnant again. Here is a website related to your question. HTH.
You should not be able to get pregnant after a tubal ligation.
The tubal ligation you had in the past, would only interfere with conception not a current pregnancy. Since you already are pregnant, the previous ligation should not cause any problem to your developing baby.Since a baby implants in the uterus and not the tube, the ligation is a non-issue with a developing fetus.
Yes, the symptoms are exactly the same. There is a much higher risk of a tubal pregnancy, so if you have any pain go directly to the emergency room and tell them you think you are pregnant after a tubal ligation.
Although natural pregnancy could occur it is very slim. If it does happen naturally there is a very good chance that it would be ectopic. The most natural way to have a child after having a tubal ligation is with tubal ligation reversal. Surprising to many is the fact the tubal reversal has a better pregnancy rate than the alternative treatment of IVF. Not only does tubal ligation reversal have a better success rate it is more natural and less expensive than the alternative.
I am 31 years old and a mother of four. I had a c-section and a tubal ligation after I had my 4th daughter. I feel very bloated on my stomach and look six months pregnant. I feel this has got to do with the tubal ligation that I've had. Anyone who can help me out or who has the same symptoms?
A tubal ligation is a highly effective method of preventing pregnancy. Birth control pills prevent, but don't help, a woman to get pregnant. Combining tubal ligation and birth control pills is not an effective way to get pregnant.
Yes, pregnancy is possible even with ligated tubes.
Yes, but it would be extremely rare, unless your tubal ligation has come undone. The chance of the pregnancy being normal are lower, and the chance that it is an ectopic or tubal pregnancy is much higher than normal.
A tubal ligation is considered permanent birth control, but there is still a margin of error. You could become pregnant any time afterward. It is estimated that 143 women in 10,000 (1.43%) get pregnant after tubal ligations.
While it can happen it is very rare for a woman to become pregnant naturally after having a tubal ligation. Most studies show that a woman has less than a 2% chance of becoming pregnant after having a tubal ligation. Most cases of pregnancy after the procedure usually occur in the first 3 months during the healing period and 10+ years after having procedure due to the tubes growing back together. This has become even fewer over the recent years due to changes in how the surgery is done. If you have had a tubal ligation and feel that you could be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your Dr right away to rule out the risk of an ectopic pregnancy ( a nonviable pregnancy outside of the uterus). Tubal ligation greatly increases your risk of ectopic pregnancy which can be life threatening.